DigiBoard 1.3 Features

DigiBoard TV for iPad

With version 1.3 for Remote and TV, you will now be able to run DigiBoard TV on any iPad running iOS 12 or later. DigiBoard TV for iPad behaves identically to the version running on Apple TV with one exception, you can Airplay or connect DigiBoard TV for iPad to another TV.

When your iPad is connected to an external display, DigiBoard TV will treat it as a second screen but will run presentations at native resolutions on each device.

DigiBoard TV running on iPad

DigiBoard TV running from iPad through Airplay

Animated Slideshows

DigiBoard can now animate slideshow images with automatic zooming. To enable, select the Style tab and then the Slide Scaling option. Choose the Animate option to have DigiBoard apply movement to your images. Videos will be scaled to fill the screen.


Sign in with Apple

You can now sign up with DigiBoard using the Sign in with Apple feature! You control whether to share your email or let Apple generate a custom email that only DigiBoard can send emails to.


Change Email

If you signed up with an email previously that you wish to change to another, just tap Change Email from within your account info under Account Settings.