Account Info


By tapping the gear icon in the upper right corner on the main screen, you can view all of your account settings.

DigiBoard Premium Account

Select the DigiBoard Premium Account option to see details about your account:

  • Account ID

  • Email

  • Subscription Level

If you select the Subscription Level option, you can upgrade/downgrade your current subscription level.

If you tap the “Sign Out” button, you will be asked if you wish to just sign out on the current device or to delete your account all together. Deleting your account will remove all information and settings from DigiBoard and cannot be undone!



Any notifications from DigiBoard TV will show up under this option. If DigiBoard TV has any problems with content or your account, you will get a notification on your iPhone and show up on the Messages screen.

Shared Presentations

You can view all the shared presentations in your account and edit them here.

Other Accounts

Sign in and out of Dropbox